Tuesday, February 27, 2007

new goal

I reset my Weight Watchers ultimate goal. I was too worried about trying to maintain a weight that was too low for me. I did update my ticker today. I've lost more than 20 pounds so far and I got my cool little 10% goal keychain.

I have a ton to do today and am seriously lacking in motivation. At least I don't have to wash any sheets today, though!

tired cravings

I'd forgotten how disrupted sleep makes me crave carbs. Yesterday afternoon and last night I was so tired from Sunday night's disrupted sleep. I just wanted to eat all afternoon...and it didn't matter what. Good news is that I didn't cave into that too much...other than a rice crispy treat. But I did account for that in my daily intake.

Last night I was lying on the couch thinking of eating chocolate ice cream. But I realized I really wasn't that hungry...and since I have my weigh in on Tuesdays I wanted to not pig out last night. I went to bed, well, actually I fell asleep on the couch without overindulging. That felt good to know that I fought the cravings.

It also made me realize it's no wonder that having 3 kids in 3 years and constantly being sooooo tired helped to keep me technically obese. Then having another baby and working and moving and having 2 more babies and working and working overnights. No wonder it's just easier to drown my exhaustion in cheeseburgers and ice cream. But I feel better being leaner and not eating junk just because I'm tired. Just interesting to me that the link between my decade of diapers...that is now over 11 years of diapers...was such a good excuse to overeat all the time.

Monday, February 26, 2007

weekend update

What a weekend! Twenty years ago that would have meant something entirely different than it does today!

I woke up early Saturday with Kelli in my bed in mismatched pj's...not the ones she went to bed in and her top was on backwards. Yep, she had wet her bed. When Jack E got up later I realized he had taken his diaper off in the night and also wet his bed. So along with all the other laundry I needed to catch up, I washed their sheets.

Sunday morning, I woke up the EXACT SAME WAY! ARGH...so I washed their sheets and this time had to wash dinkies as well. For Kelli, that is her purple blanket I crocheted for her. It was one of my first projects so it's a little odd shaped for a blankie...more like a shawl. For Jack E, it's his big blue blanket. Still made by mama, but a little more experienced as a crocheter this time.

We all survived that. Jack E was up screaming for a couple of hours in the wee small hours of the night last night. I think he is working on getting some molars. The top ones are in, but we are working on the bottom ones. I had him in and out of my bed last night. He was kind of half asleep, half awake, crying off and on from 1 till after 3. He finally settled down and slept. So did I. Again I overslept and barely made it out the door this morning. Thankfully I had packed up my breakfast, lunch and snacks last night so I could just grab my bag and go. I wasn't gone 5 minutes when Aleena called to tell me that Angel (our sheltie) had thrown up all over the kitchen floor. Sorry, D, but I was soooo glad to already be out the door when that happened.

This afternoon is probably the craziest of the week. Clay just got off the bus. I need to pick the oldest 2 up from band in 30 minutes. Then an hour later Clay has his drum lesson. Then we run home and get everybody some dinner. Then it's finish up homework and get ready for tomorrow. At least tomorrow is just my Weight Watchers morning and errand time. I need to get organized for that too.

I'll be back to let you know how my weigh in goes tomorrow morning! ~~~~~~~~~skinny vibes for me!~~~~~~~~~

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

not myself

I just haven't felt like myself for a week or so. I've had this crazy headache off and on...sinuses I think. And I have been soooooo tired. I just feel a little punky. Honestly I feel a little pregnant. I'm not, though. (Yes I am VERY sure, mom!) I just started a new birth control pill that isn't just a mini pill. It's been a dozen years since I was on this kind and it's messing with my system a little I think.

I know I just need to wait it out and it will be fine in a few months. So for now, I feel just a little pregnant...but I'm NOT, mom!

My weigh in at WW was good yesterday. I had really tried to eat well and drink lots of water and it paid off at the scale. I was feeling pretty positive about it since I had tried on 2 pairs of pants and a skirt before I found something that fit well and wasn't jeans. I didn't want the added weight of jeans. Thank goodness for drawstring pants! So now I am 0.4 of a pound from my first goal of losing 10% of my body weight when I started WW. Did that make sense? It's a goal they set for you when you first start. And I get a keychain when I meet that goal. I'm really excited about it!

Well, the laundry is not doing itself this week. And as much as I would like to sit around a little longer, that is absolutely all I have done today! Still trying to figure out what I'll give up for Lent, too. Ideas? And don't say diet Coke, hon. That one would kill me!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

another sick day

Yesterday Kelli spent the day throwing up. It was her first experience with that. Not fun for any of us. She didn't even keep water down, poor girl.

So far today looks better for her. She's had a bite of waffle and is playing.

I have caught the little ones' cough. And the general icky feeling that goes with it. Thankfully, the family I work for is out of town this week so I have a little vacation. You would think I would just be getting so much done with these extra days at home, wouldn't you? Nope! But I am in the middle of making cookie press cookies in heart shapes. I told the kids that I would drop them off at school for their teachers when I pick Emma up from Kindergarten.

I didn't update my ticker yesterday after my weigh in because I went up by 0.2 of a pound. Who wants to celebrate that?! Next week's weigh in will be better...as long as I don't eat too many of these Valetine's cookies! lol

And now a word from Jack E:


'nkkkkkk...............;;';;'/''''''''';'lllllllllklllpmmmffsxdzxvxxxxxxxxxxmmnmnh j ttttttttttttth, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmytt6tyfrtfgtttttt vm fddxcxcdccccc nvgv.u ,hytffffffewsrgh

That's all we've got!

Friday, February 09, 2007

vicks vapor rub

It seems that when Aleena and Trey were little they were always sick. Or maybe I just had more time on my hands to pay attention then.

Jack and Kelli have both been coughing a lot the past few days. That kind of wet hacking cough that seems to feed on itself. They were both exhausted last night so I put them into a soothing vapor bath. Even the big kids love to take those when they are home sick. They are known as "sick bubble baths" at our house.

So Jack E and Kelli took a sick bubble bath, then I slathered on the vicks medicated chest rub. Aleena always hated it and called it the spicy lotion, but Kelli didn't seem to mind. I mixed it with regular lotion for Jack E so it wouldn't be so strong on his tiny little body. They have both been asleep since 7:45...not coughing. Kelli didn't come into my bed to hack all over me at 5 either. That stuff is a miracle drug I tell you!

I think I find it rather sedating too. I was on my bed reading blogs last night and ended up falling asleep by 9 (sorry hon!) and didn't wake up til 6 myself. That in itself is a miracle! Maybe I need to slather on the vicks every night, too!

TIme to get ready for school...them, not me. I get to hang out in my jammies a little longer.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

my face is not so chubby anymore...

These are pictures of Kelli and me. One is from September, the other is from a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


no, that's not some weird disease! It stands for non-scale victory. Today mine is that my skinny pants are getting baggy! And the scale was kind to me at my weigh in today too. I moved my ticker up under my blog title just so I can look at it often and be motivated. I am moving that little scale thingy to the right a little more every day! woohoo!

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I got a ticker...I suck at getting these things to work so here goes!