Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This morning I was heading out to do a couple of errands with Jack E.  It is still so strange to only have him around all morning every week day, but he is great company!

I was making the list of where I needed to go and what I needed to do.  I knew the last stop before kindergarten pick up would be the grocery store.   It got me thinking about my errand days 10-12 years ago.  OY!  Even grocery shopping with 2 or 3 little ones was a chore.  And we had a system it seemed.

I would have my list ready the night before.  Coupons and sale flyer in the diaper bag.  By the time I got us all ready and out the door it was usually around 10.  I would go to the store and stock up, but it would take a while.  More often than not, I would hit the drive through on the way home.  Yes, I had a car full of groceries, but I also had a 2 year old, 1 year old and pregnant belly.  Or the next year, a baby, a 2 year old and a 3 year old.  And the idea of carrying in groceries with 2 or 3 hungry kids and then getting them some lunch was just overwhelming.  So we picked up some lunch.  Thankfully they could share an order of chicken nuggets and an order of fries.

I called it survival.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

baking bread

I'm trying to get back in the swing of things where the kitchen is concerned.  Today I am starting a batch of bread that I will bake tomorrow.  I am out almost every night this week with different things, half of which include dinner so my cooking is all messed up.

But I did get all the laundry (minus a few towels and sheets on beds) done and put away on Monday. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did.

It is so warm and sunny here this week.  I really have spring fever.  I went for a nice walk today with no jacket.  So nice, both the warmth and the solitude.  I'm hoping with longer and warmer days I can get out more for a walk.